Our courses

Would you like to learn how to use traditional Japanese energy healing techniques to promote relaxation, balance and wellbeing?

I am a fully qualified Reiki Master Teacher and member of the Reiki federation, with over ten years of experience, please contact me for more information if you would like to learn with me

Level One (Shoden)

Introduction to Reiki and is available to anyone. This workshop is mainly about opening and activating the reiki channels on a physical level, allowing you to connect to the universal life force energy, we cover the history of Reiki, its origins and its place in modern-day society. The main focus of level one is to heal oneself, a twenty-one-day cleanse or self-healing period follows this workshop and usually, it is beneficial for the student to focus on using their Reiki on themselves for around three months before committing to the second degree.

Level Two (Okunden)

Gives you the skills to use your Reiki on others and charge for it if you wish, you will be given three sacred symbols to use and also will learn how to provide healing over long distances or wherever it may be needed. again a period of cleansing after the workshop is advised and sufficient experience before considering the third degree, or Master's level.

Level Three (Shinpiden)

Represents a deep commitment to the Reiki practice and should only be considered when the student is confident in their abilities and ready to progress, in this workshop you are given the sacred Master symbol.

Karuna Reiki levels one and two

Karuna reiki training can only be taken at the Usui Reiki Master level, it has evolved out of Usui reiki and is known as the reiki of compassion.

Please contact me for more details of any courses.